About This Project


Campaign & Political Consulting

In 2001, top city officials in Los Angeles called upon The Afriat Consulting Group to ensure the passage of Proposition F for $517 million in Fire and Animal Services bonds. At the city’s animal shelters, pets were being euthanized at alarming rates due to overcrowding. Outdated fire stations required significant upgrades and some complete replacements, posing a public safety hazard. Steve Afriat, formerly President of the Los Angeles City Animal Services Commission, spearheaded an aggressive campaign which proved successful on Election Day. The measure was approved by 71% of voters, which at the time was the highest margin of approval for any bonds in the city’s history.


Then, after two failed attempts by other campaign consultants to garner the required two-thirds majority vote for a second set of infrastructure bonds, the firm was tasked with the passage of Proposition Q for $600 million in Police and Fire bonds. Police officers had been forced to convert janitors’ closets into makeshift offices due to a severe lack of space, and fire stations across the city were in desperate need of repairs. The City was also short on space at its inmate holding facilities and in need of a new metropolitan jail. So once again, ACG sprang into action and orchestrated an aggressive campaign to ensure victory on Election Day. Proposition Q was finally approved by a two-thirds citywide majority thanks to the firm’s successful campaign management. As a result of Proposition Q’s passage, new police stations, including a new downtown headquarters, a new 911 call center and other facilities that provide vital city services were constructed.

Campaigns & Political Consulting