Community Relations

Community Relations

Community activists are wielding more influence with local officials than ever before. Surrounding neighborhoods must be educated on the merits of a project to generate public support during the approval process. Those who neglect to do so are often confronted with red tape, public opposition, media scrutiny and project failure. Because of our extensive experience in running local campaigns, comprehensive understanding of land use, representation of nonprofits and community groups, as well as personal relationships with community leaders throughout the Los Angeles region, we have the expertise necessary to rally public support.


Public Outreach & Education

Coalition Building

Neighborhood Council & Homeowner Association Endorsements

Engaging Community Leaders

Working with Organized Labor

Digital Outreach

Coordinating Business Groups

Partnering with Environmental & Political Groups

Targeted Mail Campaigns

Media & Community Focused Advertising

Project Newsletters

Petition Circulation & Signature Gathering

Door to Door Canvassing